About Us

Updated: October 2, 2024

Filipino-American Capital SDA Church


Someday, everywhere, everybody comes in contact with a F-I-L-A-M disciple and is led to follow Christ.



The Filipino-American Capital Seventh-day Adventist Church exists to:
Go with Jesus in making disciples of all ages.



We develop mature, committed disciples through the F-I-L-A-M Discipleship Process.

Everything we do at Fil-Am Capital church revolves around these five purposes:

  • F - We shall lead the unbelievers (Spiritually Dead) to experience FELLOWSHIP.

  • I - We shall guide the new believer (Spiritual Infant) to receive INSTRUCTION from the Word of God.

  • L - We shall nurture the growing believer (Spiritual Child) to develop LOVE with fellow believers.

  • A - We shall train the maturing believer (Spiritual Young Adult) to have passionate ADORATION of God daily in personal worship, work, and witness.

  • M - We shall release the fully developed disciple (Spiritual Parent) to a MINISTRY of reproducing more committed disciples.


Logo: Church Symbol and Meaning
Download: New Organizational Structure and Governance


Visit www.adventist.org/beliefs to find out more.