Church Bulletin

April 27, 2024

Welcome to our members, visitors and friends!
We're so glad you have come to join us for worship today.


9:30 AM

Singspiration - Praise Team
"Marching to Zion” - SDA Hymn #422
” Trust and Obey” - SDA Hymn #590
”Far and Near the Fields are Teeming” - SDA Hymn #358

Opening Prayer - Eden Chavez

Welcome Remarks -Lolit Malangyaon

Special Music -Irene Salazar

Adventist 360 Mission Spotlight Video

Sabbath School Lesson in Review - Roni Masangcay
Earliteen/Junior - Upper Level
Primary - Upper Level
Cradle Roll/Kindergarten - Upper Level

Sabbath School Pianist: Zaida Masangcay
Sabbath School Praise Team: Abner & Eden Chavez, Lourdes Saulo, Erlyn Rada, and Evangeline Baldovino

11:00 AM

Welcome Song - Praise Team
"Family of God"

Call to Worship & Invocation - Raffy Paradero

Children's Corner
Special Music - Dharyl Kyle & Lianne Dalire
"The Lord’s Prayer”

Children's Story -

Worship in Giving - Matthew Rada
Today's Offering will go to the Local Conference Advance

Offertory Music - Iren Salazar & Jonathan Chavez
"Press On”

Garden of Prayer - Raffy Paradero

Praise Time - Praise Team
"Wake the Song” - SDA Hymn #34
”What A Day”
”I Offer My Life To You”

Message - Kenrie Hylton


"Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law? Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your mind.” This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” -Matthew 22:34-39

Closing Song - Praise Team
"Victory In Jesus”

Benediction - Kenrie Hylton


Pianist: Dulce dela Cruz
Praise Team: Eden & Abner Chavez, Lourdes & Roger Saulo
Instrumentalist: Lyn Baldovino, Jun Dumaop, Matthew & Erlyn Rada

Sabbath's Sunset: 7:55 PM
 Local Conference Advance


Click the calendar below to view the church calendar!
Google Calendar


Did we miss your birthday? Let us know!


Church Board Meeting
Once a Month - 2:00 PM
Fellowship Hall

Pathfinder Club Meeting
2nd & 4th Sabbath - 1:30 PM
Pathfinder Room

Adventurer Club Meeting
2nd & 4th Sabbath - 1:30 PM

Midweek Prayer Meeting
Every Wednesday - 7:30 PM

Vespers Program
Every Friday - 7:30 PM

Power Walk
Every 1st & 3rd Sabbath - 2:00 PM
Meet by the entrance




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